Thursday, September 19, 2013

11YEAR OLDS GET ME CRYING...You've got to watch these!

Arixsandra Lambato
Asanda Jerzile

If you love music, then you will understand why I teared.
Its totally amazing that these 11year olds can so passionate about music to understand the emotional technicality of singing. I simply cried watching them sing.

I am certain you will be glad you saw these videos, its a click away! So please watch them.

Awww! Wow! was all I could utter for a long while...

I just love them.

Click: to watch Jotta
Click: to watch Arixsandra Lambato
Click: watch Asanda Jerzile

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The world according to Mac-Jane: PAINS THROUGH THE NIGHT Arrrgghhhh!!!! I screamed ...

The world according to Mac-Jane: PAINS THROUGH THE NIGHT Arrrgghhhh!!!! I screamed ...: PAINS THROUGH THE NIGHT   Arrrgghhhh!!!! I screamed again, as the excruciating pain sliced through my tummy. Hugging my tiny bundle, I c...


Arrrgghhhh!!!! I screamed again, as the excruciating pain sliced through my tummy. Hugging my tiny bundle, I clutched my tummy hoping against hope that the pain will stop.

Is it that time of the month Lee? Vivian asked me.

With eyes squeezed shut, and holding my tummy as tears streamed down my usually peaceful face without reservation, I shook my head indicating that it was not menstrual pain.

'Oh my God, help me!' I wailed.

You are probably wondering what this shebang is all about, well maybe I better start the story from the very beginning. Three years ago I met this guy, he was not  anything I wanted in a man. And like the proverbial blind love, I fell madly in love with him. He was a drug addict, a passionate alcoholic, and he had raised his hand to hit me once, yet I was overcome by emotions. I knew I should not marry him, yet I felt he needed me. I was his missing rib, I believed.

We got married, and I became pregnant immediately and had a boy and a girl. And then, the avalanche of evil came tumbling down in my already crooked destiny. I got home from work one day and caught my husband raping my daughter, I mean, our two year daughter! Oh my! Was I in shock! And when I confronted him, it only aggravated the matter as he starting hitting me and over time, started having anal sex with his son too.  It became routine for my husband to abuse me and my children physically and otherwise. I felt helpless because I felt I saw the warning signs but  ignored all of them.

I don't know what to do, who do I talk to? I am in pain, not only from heart ache as my innocent children are also suffering from my reckless decision. They were diagnosed yesterday to have chlamydia, and even if my husband does not kill me soon, what I am suffering from will eventually kill me. Obviously, my husband has been sleeping with other people because as I write this in my journal, I am HIV positive, advanced stage...

Monday, September 9, 2013

First Real blogging

I am back and better!!!!!!!
watch out for new exciting trends...