Thursday, November 14, 2013


Let’s Chat with Stella Damasus...?

Definitely a lady 'extraordinaire', Stella Damasus is one woman that amazes me and I must confess I am tripped by her life style. I love Stella Damasus, scorn me all you want but I have made my confessions. Lol. Now, back to the business of the day, Stella Damasus is a woman of many colors, she is a mother, prominent and skillful actress, singer, Producer, Educator, Humanitarian, Lover of God, TV host, CEO of SDA Productions, Founder of the Stella Damasus Arts Foundation and ADIVA, co-founder of Index Two Studios, writer (You need to visit her website if you haven't seen it), and many more. She is funny, easy going and indeed a good influence to our world.
When asked how she balances being a mother first of all, being all the plenty things she is and been a celebrity, Stella Damasus has this to say, "Being a mother comes before being a celebrity and CEO. Everyone knows my children are my life and they always come first, so I make sure that whatever appearance I have to make as a celebrity or whatever work I have to do as a CEO doesn't keep me away from home for too long. My children are growing up and they need me with them more now than ever. So, I have learnt to prioritize and delegate. If I know making an appearance at that award show or event isn't that important I wouldn't go and if I know that someone else can sort out that issue in the office then I'll pass it on to them to deal with. I thank God for my management and legal team, they make my work much easier. I only leave my house or travel when it's absolutely necessary, but we all know I am not super human so all the strength and wisdom I need to balance out my life comes from God".
Her favorite books are the Bible, "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren and "Acting in Film" by Michael Caine. And for fun, Stella used to play badminton but not anymore but now she says fun for her means hanging out with her family. 

This babe I am personally proud of established Stella Damasus Archives Production Ltd with the vision of creating a production company that would develop and showcase quality Nigerian content for Television, Radio, New Media, Cinema and Live Events to global standards in the most innovative way. Through the company she did the first season of Changing Lives on the Stella Damasus show. It was shown in a few Nigerian Television shows and there are some episodes on her YouTube page. The Stella Damasus Arts Foundation is a non-profit organization set up to provide economic, intellectual and emotional support to the society, using the arts as its primary tool. Their flagship program is a 3 months, FREE Arts training course which is designed to give aspiring actors and singers access to proper acting and vocal training which they would not otherwise be able to afford to pay for. All their facilitators are volunteers who are experienced and highly skilled professionals in music and drama.
Amazed at how Stella manages to stay true, I ask her this; I know you as a Christian, how do you consistently maintain the fear of God in the midst of raging trends associated with fame? What’s your secret to worship? And this is what she replies; "I have never really been a person that follows trend and I honestly never really aspired for fame, I aspired for success, and I never conformed. I maintain the fear of God by reminding myself that I want to make heaven. Anyone who has that in mind will sit tight and maintain their relationship with God. With heaven in mind, you would constantly remind yourself that you can't afford to stray or make a mistake and stumble into sin. But we are all human and if we find ourselves in a bad situation, we should always go back to God. He is ever ready to forgive us and accept us back again. My secret to worship is using every part of me to glorify his name and honor him. In doing that, I constantly remember that it's all about him. It's important to worship God in spirit and in truth, not caring who is around you, knowing that it's all about him. Worshipping is not just about singing. It's  about your life and praise".

And giving her inspiring message, Stella says; "Stay true to you. No matter what area you find yourself in life. Don't change who you are and what you believe in just to please someone else. The only people you should aim to please are yourself and God. Put God first in all that you do and you would be amazed how things would work out for you. Believe in yourself and your dreams, no one else can do that for you. Also, greatness is not measured by how much you have or how famous you are. True greatness is about identifying your purpose in life and using it to affect the lives of other people positively". 
Stella Damasus' favorite quotes are "It's Not Who People Say You Are, It's Who GOD Says You Are" and "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called"

Wow!!!! Catch the Stella Damasus groove people. (LOl). I don't know about you, but I am totally amazed!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Let’s Chat...?
You've got to meet this bundle of energy  and surprises.
Iroghama Ogbeifun is from Benin City, Edo state, the first girl and second child in a family of seven children, with a first degree (BSc) in Biology and Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Boston and an MSc in Public Health and Health Promotion from Brunel University London. In 2011, she received an Eagle Award by Quantum Projects for Youth and Entrepreneurship. She is the CEO of Hairven,  manufacturers of products for the care of hair extensions and natural hair. When asked about her company she says, "We are passionate about teaching women how to have healthy hair whether you have relaxed hair, natural hair, coloured hair or bleached hair, at Hairven we believe you can have long, strong, healthy hair. And we are dedicated to providing products and hair regimens to help women achieve this. We are also constantly trying to develop innovative hair products that will fill needs of women in this environment. Right now we have 2 hair product ranges: our introductory range 'The weave care range which comprises of Shampoo, conditioner, serum and leave in conditioner' and 'The Healthy Hair range which comprises of Shampoo, conditioners, protein treatment, detangling leave-in mist, tea tree and castor oil".
Iro as she is fondly called saw a need in the industry and came up with a concept to meet that need. Also, through the HAIRVEN Representative program, women from all walks of life can distribute their weave care products and learn how to treat weaves so as to serve as an additional stream of income. They have doctors, students and house wives currently distributing their products.

She says that the book that has influenced her life the most is Ben Carson's Gifted Hands, because it inspired her at such a young age and made her believe she could be whoever she wanted to be as long as  she believes and works hard to achieve it.

It is no wonder she is the winner of The Next Titan Reality TV Show, as she showed  hard work and perseverance for the 13week period.

When asked if she played any sport, she laughed and replied " Hahahahahahha. Well, I was an active athlete throughout my life up until final year in university. Nowadays I try to participate in dance fitness classes and aerobics. Fun for me is curled up on my sofa watching TV, preferably crime inclined series or reading crime novels. I also love going to the cinema. I like the popcorn"

Iro's favourite quote is "Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come, go out and make those opportunities"

In giving her winning formula, Iro advices to the youth to "first of dream, and dream big. After you have dreamt up your idea, take action. Start from where you can start and build upon that. You don't need all the money in the world so don't let the absence of it keep you from achieving your goals or even starting. If you decide that entrepreneurship is not for you and you would prefer to carve a career path, then do it with all gusto. Set yourself apart with your work ethics, your values and most importantly, your integrity. It might seem like the longer road, but the reward ahead would be priceless. Be a big dreamer but most importantly be an even bigger doer! It is okay to dream big, and not focus on the supposed impossibilities of your dream, just start from where you are, start small and you will surely grow! Stay Focused and most importantly BELIEVE in you and your idea!"

You've heard it all from Iro, so simply believe in yourself.  
For more enquiries about HAIRVEN:, or call 07063443434/08067127213