Friday, December 6, 2013


With a smile to capture the heart of the unsuspecting blood like me, he swept me off  my feet, with his charm and infectious smile. Though he is 95 years old, it feels like he's older than that. I feel like I've known him all my life. Technically, that's true. I've known him all my life. He's practically 4 times my age, yet I loved him. When I met him, I completely fell in love with his persona, achievements and the personal moments we shared.

I remember my Mum warning about loving men old enough to be my father, worse even, in Nelson's case, he was old enough to be my grandfather. But then, I did not care. He had the influence and affluence in South Africa, he had the money and I could drive the best of Mercedes I wanted. I could live in Cape Town with the rest of the family, and enjoy the paparazzi that came with being a part of Nelson Mandela 's life.

Now I look back at how he arrived at been this great, I do not regret our meeting. He completely changed the history of South Africa and forever, the world would remain grateful.  South Africa and Apartheid; saved from the monster racial segregation... No wonder my research papers always end up having a line or two about South Africa and apartheid. Thank God for Nelson.

 I'm sure you know I love you Nelson, but even more because of who you are: you are selfless. Staying in prison for almost half your life for the sake of others, running away from an arranged marriage to be with the one you love and making wise decisions to set South Africa on high pedestal as far as international politics is concerned. Yes, people may enthuse that you, the great Iroko tree has fallen but I am glad the Almighty created a being like you. For making a difference in the world, I celebrate your life and do not mourn your demise. Though it is all a dream that we had something special but I am glad I met you personally through the eyes of the world.

 One lesson learnt from the life of Nelson, he made a difference in the world (for even the supposedly super power USA president to decide to visit South Africa to pay respects), when you leave this earth what impact would you have made on the world? #FoodForThought

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



I sat by the pool, lost in thought as I stared without seeing at the sky. It was cold and I wondered for the umpteenth time what I was doing out in the cold. Was it really necessary for me to stay by the pool?  Actually my interest was beyond the busy blue water, it had more to do with my fantasy which in my mind's eye was indeed magnificent. Only if you could get a peep into my heart...LOl.

I chuckled.
I picked up the Francene Rivers' Redeeming Love I was reading and flipped to the page I stopped to continue reading.

"Hey" someone said.

I pushed my glasses off my nose, looked up and saw this ravishing beautiful girl. I swallowed quickly, and swiftly reminded myself that I must not stare.

 I smiled and muttered a "Hi".
"Do you Mind?", she asked gesturing to an empty seat by my side.
"Of course, please sit ", I offered.
"My name's Lisa Lee", she introduced herself.
Before I knew it, we spent 3hours in the cold talking about sweet nothing. She was a very likable person and I liked her already. Somehow I enjoyed our chat and though it was cold none of us showed any sign of being uncomfortable especially with the harsh weather blowing abundantly on our faces.

Lisa Lee turned and stared at me intensely. I looked up and our eyes locked. For a moment I did not want to believe that look was directed at me, adjusting myself mentally I decided to give both of us the benefit of doubt so I pretended like I did not notice anything.

"What's your burst Size?", Lisa Lee asked me.

Surprised, I looked at her abruptly. "Excuse me?"

She whispered the question again and it dawned on me where the discussion was headed.


Did she think our little comfortable chit chat happened because I was gay?

I thought about what could have triggered such, but could not find an answer.

On my bed that night, I reminisced about our discussion. I don't have to tell you what ensued between us but now it's pretty clear that there's some craziness in the air.
Now, my question is why would you look around you and decide you want marry or date someone of the same sex as you? Please what's the bait? Let's share experiences. I wait to hear your story.