Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It is sad enough that we have to watch and read about the Russian-Ukrainian-Crimean case, adding the disappearance of a 'whole' airplane is beyond imagination. My heart goes out to the families of the passengers on that particular flight. The excruciating anguish, fear of the unknown and grieving of these families is enough to cause one sleepless nights. As they seek explanation and answers to the whereabouts of the airplane with the rest of the world, their misery cannot be over emphasized. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THEIR LOVED ONES. It is even worse than knowing that a loved one is dead. Right now, these families do not know if they should mourn and keep hope alive that their loved ones will be found. Hmmm....writing this I sigh as I try to imagine their anguish.

Now,the speculation is that the disappearance of this airplane is purposeful. Could it be that the pilots have been cajoled at gun point? Could the pilots have planned this moment before flying out days ago? What was the objective? Is this another plot of a terrorist sect? 

Yes, I tow the path of Sarah, grieving partner of one the passengers on flight MH370, "the hijackers have succeeded in making a fool of experts, governments but please why hurt innocent ones? Whatever the aim of this crisis is, please do not hurt the people..."

Now, I think I'm trying to keep hope alive, believing this plane is hidden someplace and the passengers are just kept hostage. But then, where exactly can an airplane of such magnitude be hid?

Well, I guess I can only pray that this story turns to a 'happily ever after' kind. Amen!