Monday, July 28, 2014


Would you subscribe to having a nanny? Or would you say no to a nanny? Some people say nannies have been over rated, others believe that nannies are every family's blessing as they seem be a saving grace in taking care of house chores and the 'children'.

Nannies, have been given different names from corporate maids to house maids. Some even prefer to exalt the job and call them domestic helps. While others think the job is a more deregotary kind, and this earned nannies to be labeled slaves. Whichever, school of thought you are, nannies are humans and should be treated with respect. However, do you consider keeping a nanny, a blessing or a curse?

Growing up as child, we had a nanny that we all adored. She was considered part of the family as she was a live in maid, she helped with most of the chores and ensured we are in our best behavior. She was enrolled in a private secretarial school of her choice, as her dream was to be a secretary (which at the time sounded honorable, though my father would have picked a better choice of school for her and preferred if she went to a university instead. You know how fathers can be, lol). Anyway, this post is not about my nanny but I totally loved and love her for the woman she is. To aunty Fanny,God bless you for all your tutoring and blessings in our lives.

Moving on, there is this story I heard about about a couple who could not conceive for a very long time after marriage. After 15years, God answered their prayer and blessed them with a baby boy. Being working parents, they left their infant in the hands of their nanny to care for while they pursued money. Like every other day, the nanny was bathing the baby when he slipped from her hands and fell into the bathing water. I'm not certain how the story got so gory, but the baby died. And the nanny pretending like all was well, dressed the dead child and lay him on his cot, but was apprehended by nosy neighbors when she tried to escape.

I heave a real sad sigh at this story. So once again, I ask, nannies, to have or not to?

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I giggle as I post this. A lot of places interest me and I have lounged with the dream of places I wish I owned so that I could do as I willed with them.

So my favorite place in the whole world is PARIS!  Paris is the most expensive city, maybe in the world. Someone has teased me that I love expensive places and things because of my tribe. Well, I'm not certain if my love for Paris has anything to do with expenditure but more to do with the romantic atmosphere and the very lush feel of "Français parlé sur les lèvres sur les hommes aux yeux verts beau qui me parlaient". Lol. Try to translate that if you want to know what I mean. Anyway, initially I thought I would be satisfied with just having the Mont Saint Michel Island, but I fell in love even more with the Loire Valley known as the Garden of France, Place de la Concorde, and Louvre.

Therefore, my conclusion of the whole matter is that I want FRANCE!!! All of it....Hahahahahahaha

So, I am throwing the question back to you....

Let's see what you've got. I want to see more of the world.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Their love was not the love at first sight kind, it grew gradually and became a palace of love unending. She is from the Western part of Nigeria and he was from the East. Naturally, just like coke and fanta don't mix, there were a few un-clandestine opinion why this Igbo and Yoruba business should not be. But God proved that He was indeed a God beyond races, tribes and culture. At their wedding, friends concluded that this was indeed a union made in heaven as there was just so much love. Hot love like a friend tagged what she saw between the couple. LOL.

Need I tell you how this love story started, but Obiora pursued Ope with all his might, soul, and money!!! Yes, ego, owo, kudi, clean MONEY!!! Hahahahahahhha... Well, I can tell you about the proposal. They both had different friends weddings to attend, one cool Saturday. After the wedding, unknown to Ope, Obi had told his friends and her friends to meet somewhere for a little 'yummy-chummy' time. The plan was for Ope to meet Obi there, and naturally Ope thought her sweet darling just wanted to take her for light dinner after a long day being a bride's maid at her friend's wedding. Well, Ope gets there, there are lots of friends but she thinks it is just one of those days where they all gist and play catch up with their friends. Then Obi gets up, takes the mic and sings his favorite John Legend. And boy, Obi sung, I mean sang! Mehn!! That groom can sing. Lol. Anyway, back to the story, Ope looks on, shy but very proud of her bobo. Until he comes to her, kneels on one knee did she understand what was about to happen. Amid tears of joy, surprise, pride and all kinds of emotions that was churning in her tummy, Ope said Yes to Obi's Will you marry me? And that began the preparation for this 'sweet hot like fire love'. LOL.

Anyway, to celebrate this beautiful couple, who are my friends I say happy married life. To Ope and Obi (With my wine glass lifted up. LOL), I say more love, more blessings, more thanksgiving, more grace, more favor, more God, and many many many more....

Congratulations my people. Love you loads.