Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Let's Chat with Wunmi Abe...?
It is a new year, probably a time to write new year resolutions. But for me, I kick off this year with this exclusive interview with an extraordinary lady who has won my heart over with her love for God. Wunmi Conga, like I fondly prefer to call her is full of energy and excitement. I enjoyed chatting with her, and I couldn't stop laughing throughout our conversation. I kept laughing. When I finally met her in person, I was awed by her simplicity and genuine desire to simply praise God and bring down the presence of God in worship.

Wunmi Abe is happily married, a mother of three, and has a masters in human resources. She is not one of those persons who want to be at the front. She prefers to work magic behind the curtain. She is a worshiper at heart who is crazy for God. Indeed, she has a big time passion to worship, to praise and impact the youths.

Since her music reaches out to people across diverse races, and I know that my American friends cannot get over the song, I asked what her inspiration is with "Dance For you",  Wunmi says her dream is to sing songs to impact people, songs that young people are crazy about. She describes how the inspiration to sing Conga came about; "I  sat down with my manager and we just started singing, conga came to mind. God reminded me to stop dancing secular songs, and since good beats gets me dancing, so I thought I would sing a song with a good beat that can get everyone dancing too. Hahahahahaha... Actually, I had written the lyrics months ahead.

What is unique about the kind of music you do?
Laughing, Wunmi responded, "I listen to great musicians, not purely Nigerian musicians.  I want my music to be diverse though it has a Nigerian feel to it. I don't just want to be a Nigerian artist, I want to do something that cuts across the world.

What's your favorite perfume?
"I'm not a perfume person. I'm not eccentric. I just look good". So, now you know, when next you want to buy sister Wunmi a gift, don't buy her perfumes. She loves shoes.  Lol. Just saying.

What is your vision?
I believe that I am called out to young girls, rape victims, pregnant young women. I am not called to everyone. I hope to impact the younger generation such that they will know that serving God is fun, and you can be trendy as a christian

When asksed what's something people don't know about her. Wunmi laughs and says, you mean something crazy? "Hahahaha... Truth is I say what's on my mind. I'm not wishywashy. What you see is what you get.  I am adventurous but not spontaneous". The most most adventourous places she loves are Egypt because of the pyramids, Israel, where Jesus walked.

What is your secret to success?
"Wunmi music wasn't set up to make money initially. My secret fomular is God. He will tell you what to do. You would need discipline too - put your all in it. Excellence is key to success, no mediocrity. God is a God of excellence. Love is my working formula, I might not like you but I have to love you, and finally, be at peace with all".

Giving a word of advice to young people out there, Wunmi says "love God. Love God for all because at the end of the day we will still run back to Him, we answer to God. Know God and serve Him with all your heart".

Click on this video to listen to her music...