Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The Oscar-winning actor and comedian who just turned sixty-three on July 21st has died. I remember him in Mrs Doubtfire, Aladdin, License to wed, The big wedding and Jumanji, these were movies I watched and cherished as a child. It is a great loss that a man of such art and finesse has left this world.

CNN reports that he hanged himself with a belt. A lot of talk has been going on about his suicide and the fact that he has been going through depression.Looking at his always smiling face, no one would have guessed his death was soon. In all the facade of fame, one thing we know is Mr. Robin William was human. Though famous, he had a life. He was a family man. And I pray for strength for his family.

And like every time I blog about the demise of a celebrity, I pray one prayer;  Lord, I hope his salvation was intact and he knew Jesus.

I do not care what the world and society thinks, but if this is what it takes to proclaim that Jesus can come for anyone at anytime, I am not ashamed to proclaim that heaven is real.

No matter your career, as we busy ourselves with life, let us be reminded that death can make eternity come sooner than expected or planned. Be prepared for eternity, whether you are famous or not. 

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