Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm dating so many yet I haven't been on a date before...

What does dating mean or entail? Is it when you take girl to watch a movie? What is dating? Is it buying the girl flowers, in fact 12 red roses?
Is it kissing her in your car when you drop her off after a nice dinner at a cheap Chinese buffet?
Is it when your feet rises like Cinderella's when you get kissed under the moonlight at the front porch? A confused young lady asked, "A guy i like kissed me at the dance last night, does that mean we are dating now?"

So people, what exactly is dating?
Is there possibly one unique universal definition or meaning of dating?

Now, let me explain something. I have heard so many stories from different cultures and nationalities. Someone said that when you and girl are "talking", in America it means that you are officially dating, i.e, you are testing waters to see if the relationship would work. Another gentleman I spoke with said, "In my country, the fact that you took the lady for lunch does not necessarily mean that you are dating. You are considered an item only when the girl's parents approve." Huh? Isn't that a bit old fashioned and very traditional? Or am I missing something? I wondered. Also, I have heard this young lady say with such vehemence and passion, "The guy becomes mine only if he qualifies by supplying my needs". Taken aback, I asked her what exactly she means. Confident of her stance, she explains further, "He needs to prove his pocket capability. Once he buys me flowers, buys me the latest gadget, and so on, then I automatically call him my boo." Grinning, she finished.

Woah! I breathed. Some explanation that is. Anyway, not to get things mixed up after hearing these diverse explanations for dating in different places, I decided to seek your opinion. Please share your understanding of dating? 

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