Friday, February 7, 2014

"I am not a stand-up comedian but a master of ceremony and a true compere" - Emmy Icon.

Let’s Chat with Emmy Icon...?
The first time I met him, I was not blown away until I heard him express his gift. He seemed ordinary but one thing I learnt quickly from everyone who was a part of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship was that there were no ordinary corps present in the group, they were all great men and women of caliber and extraordinary gifting. Think I'm joking, see their testimonies all over the world. LOL.

Anyways, back to my extraordinary individual, his name is Udosen Emmanuel. He says he is single and searching seriously for a lady 'extraordinaire', I hope.  He is a graduate of Marketing, a chartered risk manager certified by chartered institute of loan and risk management of Nigeria, a senior credit officer in one of the  foreign owned Micro Finance Banks in Nigeria and he is the proud CEO of the Mc Emmy Icon brand. In his words, he says, "I tell people I am not a stand-up comedian but a master of ceremony and a true Compere. I crack ribs for humor relief but I am not a stand-up comedian". Intriguing, right?

Well, his gift found expression in his final year in the university as an undergraduate, and with the support of his friend Segun or 'Juxtapose' as he is fondly called. But his full brand came alive in 2010 during the Nigerian mandatory one year National Youth Service Corp while he was a member of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship where he was the publicity Secretary.

Thankful for the offshoot of his gift into the limelight, he says, "special thanks to God that I came to NCCF because I truly know that,  despite gift, practice makes perfect. This platform shot me to a world of unlimited possibilities."

Speaking further,  he enthuses, "I am looking forward  to a time in Nigeria where an MC will be distinguished from a comedian. Many hustle to be a comedian despite the fact that they could have done well as a Master of Ceremony or Compere". When asked about his plans for the future, he has this to say, "God inspires me and every satisfactory delivery gives me hope of a great future"

 He has hosted a couple of events, which includes; over 150 wedding ceremonies and countless birthday parties and concerts,  Akwa Cross Vibrant Fiesta in Ibadan, Nccf 'contemporary without compromise' (a Christian gospel praise concert with over 3000 people in attendance, alongside some of Nigerian finest gospel artistes like Tope Alabi, frank Edward, Keffee, Benita ece tra).

His top clients include MTN Nigeria, American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS), Newstar, Royalty Assembly and many more.

Having a party, event? Looking for professionalism at its peak? Need business-like yet funny personality? Then think Emmy Icon! Hotline +2348035495819. 

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