Thursday, October 23, 2014


This poem is dedicated to my Mom. I remember fondly how she sits out at the balcony in our house and watch the airplanes take off and land. It always amused us, that is I and my siblings, how she sat there for hours mesmerized by the beauty of the view and enjoying it . She would talk nonstop about the splendor of airplanes, yet she dreaded flying. I always wondered at this contrast. Today, I understand how she saw airplanes and agree with her that they are indeed majestic, queens of their runway and incomparable to any other means of transportation. Hahahahaha....
I love you Mumma, I wish I had a picture of you looking at an airplane instead of having to borrow a picture that looks nothing like you. LOL. But you understand it is just to depict how you watch airplanes. Lol. Enjoy...Viola!

Again,  I looked out the window and reveled in her beauty. 
She was indeed magnificent as she stood in elegance.
She was everything I imagined her to be. 

I stood and stared as she made her way to the gate.
Her gait on the runway reminded me of nothing but a proud peacock. Swaying from side to side,  she rode in smooth succession until she arrived at the gate.

On the run way,  her elegant stride was not be compared to anyway strut or catwalk I ever saw. None of the Marc Jacobs, Muicia Prada, Giorgio Armani, runway shows could compare to watching her.

She was indeed a queen. The Queen of the runway!
I smiled as I saw her take off. She flew like she owned the air.

Gliding and sliding,  she flew higher.

I drew in my breath knowing that my fear of heights did nothing to stop me from admiring this beauty in all its splendor and elegance.

Elegance,  yes elegant was how I described her yet I felt guilty that that word did not do justice in describing her.

She was... Um.. Um..

I tried again to seek a word to describe her but failed to find the perfect word. So I settled for elegance. Not even my huge French vocabulary could help me in this case. I felt helpless.
But then I brightened up as I saw her up the sky in the fullness of her glory.  She was all I imagined.

Oh!  How I love airplanes. 
Strange kinda love, but worth it.  I'm a satisfied lover.

Oh airplanes!!! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


  This is one of those days when this word is possibly more for me, but I hope it encourages you too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I hardly would love to blog about this but I think I should point out a few things. I am proudly Nigeria and I know a couple of people who are too. But our beloved nation is 54 years since independence, I do not intend to count the many factors mitigating development in Nigeria neither is this intended to count our many blessings like the adverse penetration of internet, the free and fair election held last summer in Ekiti or the rise of Nigeria as the number one economic giant in Africa, surpassing South Africa and Egypt, this note is an outcry to say to the elites, the educated few that it is time to make a difference.

Our fine author claimed that the 'beautiful ones are not yet born', but I say we are the beautiful ones. It is time for a positive change in Nigeria. We are the change catalyst. Let us continue to push towards a better Nigeria. I do not seek an Utopian government but all I ask is PEACE. Peace in the North, an end to Boko Haram, Ebola and the recovery of 'our girls', peace for the churches, peace in our streets and homes, peace...

I pray for Nigeria that the peace of God will reign in our land. I pray that the Almighty will arise and flood His light on our land, I pray for our leaders that they will do what is right and will not be won over by selfish desires. I pray for wisdom, understanding and the fear of God for our leaders. I pray for our spiritual leaders that they would indeed do the will of God. I pray for the youth that they will be willing to stand for righteousness...

Oh my Nigeria! My heart prays for you...