Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I pressed my face against the window pane as I waited for it to snow in the southern part of America. Hahahaha....

It rarely snows in this region, so it seemed the whole world joined me in awaiting the majestic fall of the snow. It started with a trickle and I watched in awe as every tiny little bit of flake fell.

Sharing tea and brownies with friends from different parts of the world, we chatted excitedly about the snow, politics, food, some more politics and a lot more about snow in different parts of the world. Anyway, somehow the evening ended with some more talk on snow, snow, and snow...#grins.

Looking out the window, we saw the white horizon and couldn't resist the urge to make a snow man. Lol. Snowman in Alabama? I laugh again. Anyways, we set out on the snow and it was indeed a beautiful time for all of us.

Now, my question is; who ever says there's no God? Can't you see the beauty He's created in the galaxies, on earth, the star, the moon, the seas, the sky, the trees, birds, and the whole universe. Just like everyone's palm is different, it is amazing to know that every snow flake is different. No snow flake is the same.
Wow! Please can science explain this miracle? If you say there's no God, please explain to me how the earth, the galaxies, the snow came to be? What science can fathom this?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's Christmas, again...

Let’s Chat with Marianna...?

Have you ever imagined a Christmas in a middle of a new year, in the first week of January? Well, that is the tale in Ukraine! Marianna Mykhaylyuk, an international student at the Troy University, Alabama, USA in an exclusive interview shares her culture with the rest of the world.
Marianna is from Lviv in Ukraine, and she explains that Ukrainian calendar is an orthodox kind, hence, many of the Greek Catholics celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. Interestingly, this celebration lasts for 3days. Hmmmm...plenty of food, fun and singing. Hahahahahaha...


In celebrating Christmas, twelve different kinds of dishes are prepared, representing the 12months of the year as Ukrainians believe in eating healthy and staying healthy. Marianna tells us that in Ukraine, it is expected that one should try a new kind of meal every month. Consequently, when you try the twelve different kinds of dishes on Christmas day, you will be healthy and wealthy all year long. Also, as Orthodox Christians, they believe the 12dishes is remembering the twelve disciples of  Jesus Christ. all the ingredients of the 12 dishes on the Christmas eve table should come from water and earth- that is why it is mainly vegetables, fruits and fish.
Ukrainians cherish Christmas Eve in a special way. The celebration is centered around the traditional Christmas Eve Holy Supper which begins when the first star appears in the eastern sky. It is the children's job to look for the first star.
It is not surprising that there are also two New Year’s Eves in Lviv. The first is celebrated on December 31st/January 1st, and the second, called Old New Year, or St. Basil’s Day, is celebrated on the night of 13th/14th January. Children go from house to house again, singing. But this time instead of kolyadky, the children sing schedrivky (from the word schedry – “generous”). They sprinkle the floors of their neighbors with grain and wish their hosts joy and prosperity for the New Year.
Winter holidays last a month in Ukraine. Many Lviv locals refer to the period from December 19th to January 19th as “Ukrainian Ramadan.”  So, if you are a businessman  with plans to travel to Ukraine, remember these dates. #grins
When asked what is most remarkable about Ukraine during this period, Marianna says, "we are very generous in celebration - the Christmas itself we celebrate for three days. So I would encourage people to come for Christmas in Ukraine because they may experience the celebration of Christmas twice in one year."
Wow!!! Interesting insight about two same kind of celebrations in one year. LOl
So to all Ukrainians, we say Веселого Різдва!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Winnie was the Love of my life," ~Nelson Mandela.

                                                                  "Winnie was the Love of my life," ~Nelson Mandela.

Excerpt from Madiba's Journal (Imagined)
Victor Verster Prison.
Feb., 11, 1990

It was a day joy for me and my family as news spread of my release. Words could not describe the feeling, yet I knew my release did not only mean victory rather it proved the need for more work to be done in ensuring there is absolute equality in SA, without violence. Now that I think on this things, I wonder what Winnie has been up to. Oh! I love that woman. I chuckled, knowing I would see my Winnie tonight. I laughed.
Wow! I miss my wife. I sighed.

Seeing Winnie did things to my body that I thought were in fact dead. I haven't touched my wife for 27 years. The touch was heavenly.
After our first conjugal moment ( you know what I mean. Lol), and two beautiful girls as products of our reckless conjugal moments without shame and hold backs, I still find Winnie irresistible. And this is one of those moments when I can't get my hands off her. Yet we must be civil. And what exactly does that even mean? All I really want is a moment with my wife, my Winnie. I don't care what the world thinks. Please would the world let us be man and wife, for this moment at least? Alas, they won't.
I held my wife, we smiled looking into each other's eyes hopeful of what the night holds.
"No physical contact", the prison warder said.
Winnie gave him a look that removed every doubt in the warder's mind that neither of us needed his permission to do whatever we pleased.
Hear, this common ordinary jail guard who's had all the conjugal moments he wants with whoever telling me not to touch, not to touch my wife? Who made that a law? Please tell me...Pssst!
Well, we walked out of that place that day happy and glad to be man and wife again. I met Winnie young,  but my time in prison and life has definitely toughened my lady. Winnie was nothing like Evelyn, Evelyn Mase was feeble, naïve and fearful.
Now I look back with no regrets. I wonder, what would have become of me and SA if I'd have been free and if I had stuck to my first marriage and not married Winnie? But then again, I do not promote polygamy, I support freedom. Freedom for my people, equality for all, freedom for South Africa. That is my dream...