Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I pressed my face against the window pane as I waited for it to snow in the southern part of America. Hahahaha....

It rarely snows in this region, so it seemed the whole world joined me in awaiting the majestic fall of the snow. It started with a trickle and I watched in awe as every tiny little bit of flake fell.

Sharing tea and brownies with friends from different parts of the world, we chatted excitedly about the snow, politics, food, some more politics and a lot more about snow in different parts of the world. Anyway, somehow the evening ended with some more talk on snow, snow, and snow...#grins.

Looking out the window, we saw the white horizon and couldn't resist the urge to make a snow man. Lol. Snowman in Alabama? I laugh again. Anyways, we set out on the snow and it was indeed a beautiful time for all of us.

Now, my question is; who ever says there's no God? Can't you see the beauty He's created in the galaxies, on earth, the star, the moon, the seas, the sky, the trees, birds, and the whole universe. Just like everyone's palm is different, it is amazing to know that every snow flake is different. No snow flake is the same.
Wow! Please can science explain this miracle? If you say there's no God, please explain to me how the earth, the galaxies, the snow came to be? What science can fathom this?

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