Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's Christmas, again...

Let’s Chat with Marianna...?

Have you ever imagined a Christmas in a middle of a new year, in the first week of January? Well, that is the tale in Ukraine! Marianna Mykhaylyuk, an international student at the Troy University, Alabama, USA in an exclusive interview shares her culture with the rest of the world.
Marianna is from Lviv in Ukraine, and she explains that Ukrainian calendar is an orthodox kind, hence, many of the Greek Catholics celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. Interestingly, this celebration lasts for 3days. Hmmmm...plenty of food, fun and singing. Hahahahahaha...


In celebrating Christmas, twelve different kinds of dishes are prepared, representing the 12months of the year as Ukrainians believe in eating healthy and staying healthy. Marianna tells us that in Ukraine, it is expected that one should try a new kind of meal every month. Consequently, when you try the twelve different kinds of dishes on Christmas day, you will be healthy and wealthy all year long. Also, as Orthodox Christians, they believe the 12dishes is remembering the twelve disciples of  Jesus Christ. all the ingredients of the 12 dishes on the Christmas eve table should come from water and earth- that is why it is mainly vegetables, fruits and fish.
Ukrainians cherish Christmas Eve in a special way. The celebration is centered around the traditional Christmas Eve Holy Supper which begins when the first star appears in the eastern sky. It is the children's job to look for the first star.
It is not surprising that there are also two New Year’s Eves in Lviv. The first is celebrated on December 31st/January 1st, and the second, called Old New Year, or St. Basil’s Day, is celebrated on the night of 13th/14th January. Children go from house to house again, singing. But this time instead of kolyadky, the children sing schedrivky (from the word schedry – “generous”). They sprinkle the floors of their neighbors with grain and wish their hosts joy and prosperity for the New Year.
Winter holidays last a month in Ukraine. Many Lviv locals refer to the period from December 19th to January 19th as “Ukrainian Ramadan.”  So, if you are a businessman  with plans to travel to Ukraine, remember these dates. #grins
When asked what is most remarkable about Ukraine during this period, Marianna says, "we are very generous in celebration - the Christmas itself we celebrate for three days. So I would encourage people to come for Christmas in Ukraine because they may experience the celebration of Christmas twice in one year."
Wow!!! Interesting insight about two same kind of celebrations in one year. LOl
So to all Ukrainians, we say Веселого Різдва!

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