Wednesday, June 18, 2014


FATHER: I searched deep and wide
seas, oceans, trees, sky
books, encyclopedia..
words to express my gratitude.

I looked within
Then I knew no words can describe the depth of my love for you
For the many words of wisdom
For direction, guidance
For believing in  me
And today, I am a dream come true
Indeed, no bride price would be enough to repay you

All because you Fathered me
For all the many ways you are my dad
For all that you do
For all the mistakes you've made in which I drew strength from
For all you are and much more
I say Happy Father's Day dad!!!!

Your Love for Ma, me and my siblings
Know no bounds...
For teaching and showing us God, I say thank you

And to a happily ever after,
I say I love you dad!!!

#Now that's my poem to my dad, I know it's past Father's day but never late to serenade your dad. It's so easy to talk about mothers and their endless care for the family, what about the little and great things fathers do? Wherever you are or from, share with the world and celebrate your dad here!!!

#Also, here are some notes from friends to their fathers.

# To fathers all over the world, I celebrate you!!!!

y father is not just one of those biological fathers that some may refer to as a "sperm donor", he is my daddy and the best one I could every ask for. He has raised me to be a woman that values family.  He taught me that those around us, our family and friends, are who make our lives have true meaning, purpose, and love.  God has given him a second chance as he almost lost his life once before on the small cold operating table in Piedmont hospital.  I knew that God had a bigger plan even before he stepped foot in the hospital.  His health is not perfect but again I believe in the healing power of God and that we as his family and friend represent love in his life and through love his body will be healed. I love my daddy as a child should love the man that gave her everything and treated her like a princess.  Happy Father's Day daddy.
~ Funlola Gaddis

My Daddy's Love Language
It's interesting how everyone loves, but in their own very distinct way. I guess a person's love language is who they are. 
The man I call daddy, didn't just father me - He earned the name! 5 decades and still counting, he goes by the name William O. Adusa. 
It is said that when someone loves you, they want your happiness. How is one expected to say 'No' to your every whim and caprice, knowing it will crush you, and still hope that you know he loves you? How is one supposed to show the child of his body all the love in the world, and yet still make sure the child knows how unsafe a place the world is? How sure can you be that when your son finally chooses the course of life to chart, you will be his role model? Or who could ever compete with a mother's love and not look stupid in the process? Welcome to the dilemma that is fatherhood. 
Shouting and yet whispering, beating and yet directing, bruising and yet healing, ignoring and yet desperate to hear the right thing, letting go and get holding on with the invisible hands of the heart
Oh! it has taken me 22 years to realize that every firm act, every stern word, every harsh decision was laced with desperate desire to smother with the reality of these words in barest whisper: "I love you, son" 
So why so tough a language form? Because he has to be daddy and not mummy - you see, a rose has to have thorns as well which protect it's beautiful flower. 
So Thank you daddy, for being the harder of love's two sides, without which the child would be incomplete... I LOVE YOU completely! ~David William-Adusa.

I miss my daddy so much ! Love you dad! No one can take ur place,thank you for being in my life! I'm at who I am today because of you and your courage! Happy Father's Day! ~Malika Akhunova.

People say they have the best dad in d world, I say I have the most remarkable,unique and loving father in the universe... The most understanding,loving,tolerant and intelligent man I've ever known,a man with an exemplary attitude and life style with the ability to spur you to be the best you can be... Ask me of a great man and hero and I will show you my loving and cute dad. ~ Olayinka Bakare.

A father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed and yet one of the most important assets in society. The stories are unending to be told and your sacrifices unbelievable. I look back and yes, you made me who I am today. May the good Lord preserve your life and grant you many years on earth and surely, i'll make you smile someday. Happy Father's Day, Mr. Akwasi Yeboah. ~ Fred Yeboah.

‎My father , oooh my father! You are a great teacher, a great mentor, a God fearing man , a high class smarty , the only pilot that can fly me anytime. I love you very much and I am so proud to be your daughter. I won't say we do not have our disagreements but you are always looking out for me and my siblings and I appreciate all you love and care greatly . I pray that the lord will keep you in Good health to see my children's children. ~ Esther Ugorji.

This Father's Day I'd love to honor and celebrate my dad. He is such a hardworking man and I'd like to say Happy happy Father's Day daddy. So thankful to The Lord that He blessed my life with the greatest gift a daughter could have, the love of a father like him, whose heart is modeled after Christ's own heart. My dad has always been there for me and my sister. Thanking him for all he does for our family, Tsits, moms and I are truly thankful. Big thank you for always being there through thick and thin. We love you daddy, may you be celebrated and blessed not just today, but everyday of your life! ❤️ ~ Nyari Chanakira.

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