Friday, June 13, 2014


Today is one of those days one looks back and takes stock of their life. I woke up not knowing what to expect but reading about the death of a woman I know personally, not just on screen or the air waves has put in me emotions I cannot even begin to explain.

I met Kefee about 8years ago at her home/office in Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria when she granted me an interview for my radio show-- Gospel Splash, a gospel music show with Radio Nigeria. I loved chatting with her and I left her home/office that day feeling like we shared a bond. Years later, she responded to a message I sent her confirming that she remembers our meeting very well and part of the message she said, "Of course I rember U sis...". I hoped to interview her again here and provide exclusive gist on her recent life, however, death stole her from us. #sad.

Kefee is talented and her unique voice no one can replace. I hoped and hoped and hoped that fame did not steal her from her first love--God. I watched her earlier videos and recent videos, and though I commend her achievements, I still hoped she was the beautiful person at heart that I met who just loved God and who wanted to just go about proclaiming 'branama'. 

I am sad that Kefee died. She just left the world, just like that, dying... Oh my!!! #sighs.

Above all else, I hope her salvation was intact. I pray for her family. It is well...

Saturday, May 31, 2014


My sister wrote this story, and I must not take credit for her creativity. Join me and celebrate her wonderfully done

She reached out, pulled me down on my knees and unto her laps. The faint smell of Spring bathing soap hit my nostrils as I placed my head gently on her wrapper. I sniff and feel the soft sob racking her slim frame. The hot tears drop on my body warming up my very cold heart. I did not blink or even turn my face to look up at  her. If I did, she would drag me into her little pity party and drown us all. Tears showed weakness and sometimes some people deserve to see all your strengths. Her small soft palms slowly massaged my bony shoulders and I visibly relaxed, letting the tension, stress, pain melt away. The pain that leaves my heart thudding like a slowly winding down bell. Anyway, I am now immune to it. It no longer matters how much he hurt me. What I needed was a plan, an opportunity make papa see  the stuff I am made of.

Mama kept shaking her leg in that absent-minded way of hers and my head almost rolled off her laps. I jerked upwards immediately but her hand stopped me, firmly but gently pushing my head back down. My mama, my only true friend. Sometimes, I wonder what she thought of me. A child forsaken by the gods? Stubborn and untamable? At least that's what papa always says;

"She is too stubborn for her own good..."

But what does papa even understand about what is good for me. To my papa, girls are only as good as their 'ofe owerri' that is, our native soup and their child bearing ability. If he was god, women will not be allowed to walk on the same paths that men walked on, they would be covered from head to toe in black coveralls and never to be seen except when food is needed or the urge for sex overwhelms him. Even at that, a man like papa will kill the urge before it makes him display affection at his wife. I shake my head as images of his huge dark frame fills my mind. I believe that shaking your heads rids it of ill thoughts, this time around however, it did not seem to be working. Images of papa barking out commands to me and Ukachukwu, my elder sister did little to calm me down as I watched the movie replaying in my head.
That evening, I had sneaked out to study with Oneku and Chioma, my two best friends. papa forbids studying after school. He believes women should practice their cooking skills or try to please their brothers in whatever way possible instead of studying. Six hours of school was enough for a girl-child, moreover, what is the point of the whole education when she will still end up in the kitchen? That is papa's theory.
 As for me, I want to be a doctor. The white coats intrigues me and the air of importance fills me with such longing. Sometimes, I imagine I am the minister of Health in Nigeria. If  papa could read my thoughts, I would have been long dead. His TufiaKwa would be loud enough to rouse amadiohia, the village god from the spirit world. Tufiakwa was  something he did with his fingers to signify he forbids a thing from happening. As if that really works any wonders. Anyway, as I was saying, we finished very late and as usual, I tried to sneak back into I and Ukachukwu's room only to see papa sitting down on the veranda smoking cigarette and drinking dry gin. I stopped in my tracks and watched him a little. He was obviously very upset. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I thought of the best ways to end the nightmare when I saw Ukachukwu sitting on the bare floor beside him. Her fair skin shone in the moonlight and the painful threads poked out like horns on her head. My heart beat faster as I walked towards them. Papa watched me come closer and answered my greetings quietly. I could see the tear stains on Ukachukwu's face. Once I entered my room, I realized I had made a big mistake because I could hear papa's heavy breathing behind me. I did not have time to scream before he began to pummel me. Mama and Ukachukwu watched the fiasco from a safe distance, terrified that he would add them to it if they said a word. After he was satisfied that he had taught me another good lesson, he walked away feeling like a king and mama rushed to me sobbing her poor heart out. The fear of papa is the beginning of wisdom though I was yet to get wise. The love for medicine drove me. Like a woman in love, medicine became my lover.

 Now, it's been twenty years past, and my once strong and agile papa has become frail and weak. Needing constant care after I diagnosed him of diabetes. No thanks to his habit of constantly eating 'eba', a traditionally made cassava flour meal. Mama is equally old but happy. I watch her chat animatedly with my son, her grandson and for a minute I close my eyes and say a silent prayer to God. I thank Him for taking care of me when I ran away from the house and only mama knew where I was. I thank Him for blessing mama so she could send me some feeding money while I worked and studied at the university of Lagos. I thank him for letting me achieve my dream. And now, I am  a practicing doctor and a women empowerment activist. Papa cannot believe it's still the same me when he hears me give speeches on the television. I see the shock and pride on his face. I smile to myself and wink at mama who gave me a chance at independence.

It is amazing that I can sit back today and enjoy my profession, only because I chose to be free from the clutches of traditions and rural imprisonment. If I had honestly paid heed to Papa, I won't be a doctor today. So, to my God and western education I say thank you for freedom. Yes, freedom to life and education and not wasting my skills in the kitchen. Laughing out loud... What a world we live in!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I am sad. I do not understand a government that folds its arms and deliberately inflicts pain on its citizens. Just yesterday I was discussing with a wonderful lady, Dr. Mack and she brought up the issue of the missing girls in Nigeria.

Please can someone explain to me why it is other peoples children that have to go through these shameful government actions? First, it was female child marriage, now it is this news--kidnapping girls and selling them off to marriage.

I thought we are a globalized community. I guess I thought wrong. Our ancestors fought slavery, female circumcision, killing of twins and other evils. We cried daily about kidnapping of even adults. We wept over 'boko haram'. We  prayed against the Lagos flood  in 2012...

Now, are we also going to deal with this deliberate evil? What is going on? This madness must stop!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


 I decided to delve into politics and international law. It's the world according to me, right? Well, understanding the concept of sovereignty is an assignment I wrote and found fascinating. And of course it earned me an A-grade but I think I can share my thoughts with any one interested in international law, sovereignty and politics. So...

" If a determinate human superior, not in a habit of obedience to a like superior, receive habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that determinate superior is sovereign in that society, and the society (including the superior) is a society political and independent." -RITCHIE (1981)

Sovereignty! The evolving and dynamic nature of the concept of sovereignty makes me wonder what the international community and political science universally and concisely define it to mean. Is it just a term loosely used to describe or tag the ability or opportunity of States to act independently? Is it an opportunity to reign, rule and control weaker powers? Is it a concept that is rooted in history? The answer to this is, yes!

 Prior to the World War I, Sovereignty was the central, irreducible concept which signifies that states have the absolute right to control and protect her territory and population  and repel those who  would interfere in its domestic affairs. The idea of Sovereignty was conceived initially by the rulers of early modern Europe as a result of their repudiation of the overarching authority of the Pope. In 1534 King Henry VIII of England succeeded in gaining "supreme headship" for himself and his successors from the laws and authority of the Pope. This Act of Parliament gave the king and his successors immunity from 'foreign laws' and 'foreign authorities in governing the Church of England (Jackson, 2007). This forms the origination of the concept of sovereignty. Other events in some parts of the World during this period also gave  rise to the idea of sovereignty. For instance, sequel to end of the Seven Years War in which Great Britain defeated France, France's Quebec colony was taken over by Britain and recognized as her colony. Also, in 1860 and 1861, States like South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky, formed the Confederate of American States and seceded from the United States. However, in 1865 the Union Army conquered the Confederate  forces and the United States acquired these states and still rules them till date (Jackson, 2007). These examples lay out the birth of the concept of sovereignty.

Having originated from a French word which means "capacity to reign", Sovereignty has been defined differently by various scholars. For instance, Robert Lansing defines Sovereignty as a "natural product of human association affected by the desire for its continuance" (Lansing, 1914). This human nature that desires supremacy and authority has  spurred states to seek power over territories and obtain complete independence and self government.

In recent years, however,  sovereignty has become far more problematic because of the severe demand for international peace. It is difficult to categorize Sovereignty because of its dynamic  nature, it is constantly moving. By this I mean that modern sovereignty has gone beyond (just meaning) the absolute power and authority of  a monarch as philosophers like Thomas Hobbs, Jean Bodin perceived sovereignty. Today, scholars and international legal practioners consider sovereignty to mean 'independence'; the ability of states not to depend on another state. Yet, no state is such an island that it can operate independently (absolutely) without needing anything from another state and no state can independently do whatever it likes. Hence, can  Sovereignty be classified as ambiguous? Yes. Because all States, no matter how powerful are subject to varying degrees of influence and pressure from other states. Interdependence is a pivotal instrument that has enhanced state governorship, but this need for each other has not prevented states from exercising its sovereignty.

Several factors have contributed to the evolution of the concept of modern sovereignty.  Factors like Free trade, International trade negotiations, democracy, military capacity, etc, are fundamental in causing the transition to modern sovereignty. But this purpose of this paper, I would focus on three factors: Nationalism,  Human Rights, and Globalization.

Nationalism is a major factor that has fueled the idea of sovereignty. The  United Nations Charter (Art.1, para. 2 and Art. 55), encouraged the concept of self determination among states. States in a bid to attain and maintain identity, unity and  autonomy have progressed from just conquering and defeating territories as was the case in the early medieval period, to culturalizing and influencing other states to act and behave as they please. For instance, the Palestinian government does not have the capacity to engage the other super powers as she is not recognized in the international community as a sovereign state. However, the head of Palestine visits the president of the United States. This confuses the concept of sovereignty as one may wonder; under what capacity is the head of Palestine visiting since he is not recognized as a sovereign state? However, this further proves the desire for actualization and nationalism by the Palestine government and this territory will not stop until obtains its sovereignty. The principal objective of the "Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples" (1961), was  to "accommodate the legitimacy of the struggle of the colonial peoples, and peoples under alien domination, to exercise their right to sovereign statehood" (Pamir). This United Charter and other agreements signed on the right of States to independence has indeed promoted nationalism. And today the evidence is in the independence of States like Nigeria, Ghana, Ukraine, Kenya, etc; which are sovereign states.

Since the end of the World War II, human rights have been taken more seriously. Now there is an international body of law that regulates how citizens of states are treated, making it a concern of international community and not just a domestic affair that states can handle internally. This check and scrutiny of state conduct and State liability to sanctions by the international community has deterred many states from 'conquering and defeating', like it was the case prior to world war I. This emerging commitment to human rights, human dignity has shifted the fundamentals of sovereignty. Maogoto simply asserts,  "the mantle of legal protection against the worst forms of violent abuse was to be a central feature in the drive to clip State sovereignty, by subjecting the State to external restraints and controls" (Maogoto, 2005). By establishing this mechanism, it definitely gives the concept of sovereignty a new face.

Another factor which I strongly believe has influenced the concept of sovereignty is globalization. New emerging theories and research has sprung up in political science that signify these progression from archaic form of understanding what sovereignty entails to this modern known form of sovereignty. The introduction of International political economy, the Green theory, advanced technology, to use or not to use nuclear weapons, heightened terrorism and political violence, transnational issues like Cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc., all contribute to the new concept of sovereignty. The World's transition to globalism and technology, international trade has fostered a new understanding of the idea of sovereignty. In this, States have absolute control of their internal affairs but are subject to the international community. Hence, we can conclude that the rise of international organizations have ultimately contributed to the evolution of sovereignty.

The idea of sovereignty is critical to the international sphere.  Without sovereignty, there will be no State and without States, there will not be international law. This brings me to define Sovereignty as the fuel that moves the international community, Sovereignty means "establishing the exclusive competence to take legal and factual measures within that territory and prohibiting foreign governments from exercising authority in the same area without consent" ( Malanczuk, 2002)

Sovereignty may be classified as internal and external control whereby internally states can maintain constitutional autonomy by being in charge of her territory by maintaining and establishing order legally in its territory while externally states do not need to be legally dependent on other states within the international legal order but can have the right to act autonomously on the international level. The temporary inability of states to act in these capacities, i.e; either internally or externally does not disqualify it from being a state, it  does not cease to exist as a sovereign state (Rinehart, 2014, class note).  Modern Sovereignty has made state governorship conspicuous and more of a political discourse. The presence of the P5 and the authority of the United States, especially, in world affairs has further emphasized the shift in the original concept of sovereignty. Empirical analyses of several events in history and the present clarifies the concept of sovereignty.  The Palmas case is a good example to illustrate modern sovereignty.  In 1928, there was a land dispute case between the United States and Netherland, relating to the arbitration of differences respecting sovereignty over the Island of Palmas (or Miangas). What makes this case important to understanding the concept of sovereignty was how the case was resolved and how state sovereignty was interpreted, as the Permanent Court of Arbitration asserts, "The admission of the existence of territorial sovereignty early in the 18th century and the display of such sovereignty  in the 19th century and particularly in 1906, would not lead, as the Netherlands Government appears to suppose, by analogy with French proved, there is a presumption for the existence of sovereignty in the meantime. For the reasons given above, no presumptions of this kind are to be applied in international arbitrations, except under express stipulation. It remains for the Tribunal to decide whether or not it is satisfied of the continuous existence of sovereignty, on the ground of evidence as to its display at more or less long intervals" (Island of Palmas case [Reports Of International Arbitral Awards], 2006). 

Modern Sovereignty is dependent on how it is perceived. For instance, it might be inferred that the  people of America are a substantial evidence of popular sovereignty especially as it is a highly democratic state where public opinion and the will of the people is paramount. The US, we are inclined to believe, is a powerful state in international politics. However, the US can violate the sovereignty of other states if she enforces her domestic values on another state. The United States cannot force the people of Belgium to use their currency, i.e., the dollar. If the US does that, she violates the sovereignty of Belgium. Recent news show that Russia has challenged the sovereignty of Ukraine, however, it is dangerous to predict the outcome of the Crimean case between Russia, Ukraine, and the West. Up till date, the Biafra sect in Eastern part Nigeria seeks to secede from Nigeria in a bid to establish nationalistic and ethnic goals.  But she has not succeeded in achieving this sovereignty, if Biafra succeeds in breaking away from Nigeria as Ukraine became independent of the Soviet Union, then Nigeria would not be able to control that territory anymore. Consequently, we can deduce that today  sovereignty  is a global system of authority. It is more politically inclined as it  transcends to all cultures, civilization, religion, racial groupings, and communities. Jackson defines modern sovereignty as "an international idea of multiple states in relation to each other, each one occupying its own territory and having foreign relations and dealing with others, including peaceful and cooperative relations as well as discordant relations and periodical wars" (Jackson, 2007). As complex as the term 'sovereignty' is, it is still evolving by the day hence making its definition even more ambiguous.

Maogoto explains  the Nuremburg and Tokyo Trials as "visible symbol of the transition from the classical Westphalian system of State sovereignty to an international system based on the credo of “common interest” that took place in the middle of the last century" (Maogoto, ) . This further clarifies the concept of modern sovereignty.

Now, how does a modern state exercise its sovereignty? Having established what modern sovereign is, it is pertinent to understand how sovereign state operate. States exercise their sovereignty through what I call 'servitude', a term I borrowed from The American Journal of International Law, (Oct., 1914).  Servitude in international studies signifies the legal binding status of states. States are bound by international servitude,  an element that makes sovereignty legally accurate in times of dispute resolution especially as regarding mining rights, fishing rights, crimes committed in international grounds. Defacto and De Jure forms of state recognition makes the sovereignty of states  legally significant. For a state to exercise sovereignty, the state must be recognized as a sovereign entity, whether the state is an inchoate, dependent or independent state. There is no principle in international law that restrains a group of people from  overthrowing its present government. Thus, states can exercise sovereignty by successfully seceding from a particular government, establishing its recognition in the international community and must have the characteristics of a state.  Modern States exercise sovereignty by protecting their citizens, boundaries and making treaties binding under the international law . For instance, at the US-Canadian border, there are forces on both ends of the border to protect their territory from encroachment from either party. This is an empirical evidence of how states exercise its sovereignty.

States exercise their sovereignty by establishing its kind of regime. The regime of a state  demonstrates what kind of state it is. Research show that democracies are less likely to go to war against each other. This emphasizes that the regime type of a government matters in the international affairs as through this States assert their sovereignty.  The regime type of  a nation is inherent in politics as "'politics' is conceived as the reflective form of substantial ethical life". Therefore, in politics whether a state is democratic, authoritarian is very important in shaping its behavior towards other states. According to Liberals, democratic programming is fashioned to attend to public opinion,  the interest of the society (Habermas, 1994). Here, politics and regime type of states are entwined to represent the government and policies of the people. Therefore, regime type of a government influences  states behave to other states, as states of the same regime type are likely to attract each other and adopt the same policies. For instance, free trade inclined nations will likely trade with free trade recipient governments. In exercising sovereignty, states can decide whom to trade with or not, whom to go to war against or not, what nation to have relations with and whom not to. Therefore, regime type influences how states and whom states exercise sovereignty over.

Conclusively, I concur that sovereignty is indeed vague. It is not static, this further makes it difficult to categorize. In characterizing the nature of the concept of sovereignty, several factors come to mind but the more pronounced nature is its evolving nature. The future of sovereignty cannot be predicted, however, I would like to assert that following recent trends of globalization, there is the tendency that state sovereignty may diminish and a singular government may be established that oversees the affairs of all states, with the assistance of international organizations, Multinational corporations and Transnational Corporations. The shift towards the propagation of one currency, global markets and state independency questions the strength of modern sovereignty. Sovereignty has been watered down by the emergence of insurgent groups and the need to uphold human rights and self determination rules which are today recognized in the international sphere. Therefore, what exactly is classified as modern sovereignty?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It is sad enough that we have to watch and read about the Russian-Ukrainian-Crimean case, adding the disappearance of a 'whole' airplane is beyond imagination. My heart goes out to the families of the passengers on that particular flight. The excruciating anguish, fear of the unknown and grieving of these families is enough to cause one sleepless nights. As they seek explanation and answers to the whereabouts of the airplane with the rest of the world, their misery cannot be over emphasized. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THEIR LOVED ONES. It is even worse than knowing that a loved one is dead. Right now, these families do not know if they should mourn and keep hope alive that their loved ones will be found. Hmmm....writing this I sigh as I try to imagine their anguish.

Now,the speculation is that the disappearance of this airplane is purposeful. Could it be that the pilots have been cajoled at gun point? Could the pilots have planned this moment before flying out days ago? What was the objective? Is this another plot of a terrorist sect? 

Yes, I tow the path of Sarah, grieving partner of one the passengers on flight MH370, "the hijackers have succeeded in making a fool of experts, governments but please why hurt innocent ones? Whatever the aim of this crisis is, please do not hurt the people..."

Now, I think I'm trying to keep hope alive, believing this plane is hidden someplace and the passengers are just kept hostage. But then, where exactly can an airplane of such magnitude be hid?

Well, I guess I can only pray that this story turns to a 'happily ever after' kind. Amen!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Babies with 3 Biological Parents!
Who exactly is a parent? What is the world turning into? So, it is not just about been a surrogate mother anymore? Getting a child is considered luxury by FDA just as having plastic surgery is.

Woah! What a comparison!
Well, the deal is, if you have the "available income at your disposal", you can have a baby. I wonder what that means. Anyway, this designer baby talk on CNN sure got my attention. If you have more information, let's hear about it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm dating so many yet I haven't been on a date before...

What does dating mean or entail? Is it when you take girl to watch a movie? What is dating? Is it buying the girl flowers, in fact 12 red roses?
Is it kissing her in your car when you drop her off after a nice dinner at a cheap Chinese buffet?
Is it when your feet rises like Cinderella's when you get kissed under the moonlight at the front porch? A confused young lady asked, "A guy i like kissed me at the dance last night, does that mean we are dating now?"

So people, what exactly is dating?
Is there possibly one unique universal definition or meaning of dating?

Now, let me explain something. I have heard so many stories from different cultures and nationalities. Someone said that when you and girl are "talking", in America it means that you are officially dating, i.e, you are testing waters to see if the relationship would work. Another gentleman I spoke with said, "In my country, the fact that you took the lady for lunch does not necessarily mean that you are dating. You are considered an item only when the girl's parents approve." Huh? Isn't that a bit old fashioned and very traditional? Or am I missing something? I wondered. Also, I have heard this young lady say with such vehemence and passion, "The guy becomes mine only if he qualifies by supplying my needs". Taken aback, I asked her what exactly she means. Confident of her stance, she explains further, "He needs to prove his pocket capability. Once he buys me flowers, buys me the latest gadget, and so on, then I automatically call him my boo." Grinning, she finished.

Woah! I breathed. Some explanation that is. Anyway, not to get things mixed up after hearing these diverse explanations for dating in different places, I decided to seek your opinion. Please share your understanding of dating? 

Friday, February 7, 2014

"I am not a stand-up comedian but a master of ceremony and a true compere" - Emmy Icon.

Let’s Chat with Emmy Icon...?
The first time I met him, I was not blown away until I heard him express his gift. He seemed ordinary but one thing I learnt quickly from everyone who was a part of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship was that there were no ordinary corps present in the group, they were all great men and women of caliber and extraordinary gifting. Think I'm joking, see their testimonies all over the world. LOL.

Anyways, back to my extraordinary individual, his name is Udosen Emmanuel. He says he is single and searching seriously for a lady 'extraordinaire', I hope.  He is a graduate of Marketing, a chartered risk manager certified by chartered institute of loan and risk management of Nigeria, a senior credit officer in one of the  foreign owned Micro Finance Banks in Nigeria and he is the proud CEO of the Mc Emmy Icon brand. In his words, he says, "I tell people I am not a stand-up comedian but a master of ceremony and a true Compere. I crack ribs for humor relief but I am not a stand-up comedian". Intriguing, right?

Well, his gift found expression in his final year in the university as an undergraduate, and with the support of his friend Segun or 'Juxtapose' as he is fondly called. But his full brand came alive in 2010 during the Nigerian mandatory one year National Youth Service Corp while he was a member of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship where he was the publicity Secretary.

Thankful for the offshoot of his gift into the limelight, he says, "special thanks to God that I came to NCCF because I truly know that,  despite gift, practice makes perfect. This platform shot me to a world of unlimited possibilities."

Speaking further,  he enthuses, "I am looking forward  to a time in Nigeria where an MC will be distinguished from a comedian. Many hustle to be a comedian despite the fact that they could have done well as a Master of Ceremony or Compere". When asked about his plans for the future, he has this to say, "God inspires me and every satisfactory delivery gives me hope of a great future"

 He has hosted a couple of events, which includes; over 150 wedding ceremonies and countless birthday parties and concerts,  Akwa Cross Vibrant Fiesta in Ibadan, Nccf 'contemporary without compromise' (a Christian gospel praise concert with over 3000 people in attendance, alongside some of Nigerian finest gospel artistes like Tope Alabi, frank Edward, Keffee, Benita ece tra).

His top clients include MTN Nigeria, American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS), Newstar, Royalty Assembly and many more.

Having a party, event? Looking for professionalism at its peak? Need business-like yet funny personality? Then think Emmy Icon! Hotline +2348035495819. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I pressed my face against the window pane as I waited for it to snow in the southern part of America. Hahahaha....

It rarely snows in this region, so it seemed the whole world joined me in awaiting the majestic fall of the snow. It started with a trickle and I watched in awe as every tiny little bit of flake fell.

Sharing tea and brownies with friends from different parts of the world, we chatted excitedly about the snow, politics, food, some more politics and a lot more about snow in different parts of the world. Anyway, somehow the evening ended with some more talk on snow, snow, and snow...#grins.

Looking out the window, we saw the white horizon and couldn't resist the urge to make a snow man. Lol. Snowman in Alabama? I laugh again. Anyways, we set out on the snow and it was indeed a beautiful time for all of us.

Now, my question is; who ever says there's no God? Can't you see the beauty He's created in the galaxies, on earth, the star, the moon, the seas, the sky, the trees, birds, and the whole universe. Just like everyone's palm is different, it is amazing to know that every snow flake is different. No snow flake is the same.
Wow! Please can science explain this miracle? If you say there's no God, please explain to me how the earth, the galaxies, the snow came to be? What science can fathom this?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's Christmas, again...

Let’s Chat with Marianna...?

Have you ever imagined a Christmas in a middle of a new year, in the first week of January? Well, that is the tale in Ukraine! Marianna Mykhaylyuk, an international student at the Troy University, Alabama, USA in an exclusive interview shares her culture with the rest of the world.
Marianna is from Lviv in Ukraine, and she explains that Ukrainian calendar is an orthodox kind, hence, many of the Greek Catholics celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. Interestingly, this celebration lasts for 3days. Hmmmm...plenty of food, fun and singing. Hahahahahaha...


In celebrating Christmas, twelve different kinds of dishes are prepared, representing the 12months of the year as Ukrainians believe in eating healthy and staying healthy. Marianna tells us that in Ukraine, it is expected that one should try a new kind of meal every month. Consequently, when you try the twelve different kinds of dishes on Christmas day, you will be healthy and wealthy all year long. Also, as Orthodox Christians, they believe the 12dishes is remembering the twelve disciples of  Jesus Christ. all the ingredients of the 12 dishes on the Christmas eve table should come from water and earth- that is why it is mainly vegetables, fruits and fish.
Ukrainians cherish Christmas Eve in a special way. The celebration is centered around the traditional Christmas Eve Holy Supper which begins when the first star appears in the eastern sky. It is the children's job to look for the first star.
It is not surprising that there are also two New Year’s Eves in Lviv. The first is celebrated on December 31st/January 1st, and the second, called Old New Year, or St. Basil’s Day, is celebrated on the night of 13th/14th January. Children go from house to house again, singing. But this time instead of kolyadky, the children sing schedrivky (from the word schedry – “generous”). They sprinkle the floors of their neighbors with grain and wish their hosts joy and prosperity for the New Year.
Winter holidays last a month in Ukraine. Many Lviv locals refer to the period from December 19th to January 19th as “Ukrainian Ramadan.”  So, if you are a businessman  with plans to travel to Ukraine, remember these dates. #grins
When asked what is most remarkable about Ukraine during this period, Marianna says, "we are very generous in celebration - the Christmas itself we celebrate for three days. So I would encourage people to come for Christmas in Ukraine because they may experience the celebration of Christmas twice in one year."
Wow!!! Interesting insight about two same kind of celebrations in one year. LOl
So to all Ukrainians, we say Веселого Різдва!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Winnie was the Love of my life," ~Nelson Mandela.

                                                                  "Winnie was the Love of my life," ~Nelson Mandela.

Excerpt from Madiba's Journal (Imagined)
Victor Verster Prison.
Feb., 11, 1990

It was a day joy for me and my family as news spread of my release. Words could not describe the feeling, yet I knew my release did not only mean victory rather it proved the need for more work to be done in ensuring there is absolute equality in SA, without violence. Now that I think on this things, I wonder what Winnie has been up to. Oh! I love that woman. I chuckled, knowing I would see my Winnie tonight. I laughed.
Wow! I miss my wife. I sighed.

Seeing Winnie did things to my body that I thought were in fact dead. I haven't touched my wife for 27 years. The touch was heavenly.
After our first conjugal moment ( you know what I mean. Lol), and two beautiful girls as products of our reckless conjugal moments without shame and hold backs, I still find Winnie irresistible. And this is one of those moments when I can't get my hands off her. Yet we must be civil. And what exactly does that even mean? All I really want is a moment with my wife, my Winnie. I don't care what the world thinks. Please would the world let us be man and wife, for this moment at least? Alas, they won't.
I held my wife, we smiled looking into each other's eyes hopeful of what the night holds.
"No physical contact", the prison warder said.
Winnie gave him a look that removed every doubt in the warder's mind that neither of us needed his permission to do whatever we pleased.
Hear, this common ordinary jail guard who's had all the conjugal moments he wants with whoever telling me not to touch, not to touch my wife? Who made that a law? Please tell me...Pssst!
Well, we walked out of that place that day happy and glad to be man and wife again. I met Winnie young,  but my time in prison and life has definitely toughened my lady. Winnie was nothing like Evelyn, Evelyn Mase was feeble, naïve and fearful.
Now I look back with no regrets. I wonder, what would have become of me and SA if I'd have been free and if I had stuck to my first marriage and not married Winnie? But then again, I do not promote polygamy, I support freedom. Freedom for my people, equality for all, freedom for South Africa. That is my dream...

Friday, December 6, 2013


With a smile to capture the heart of the unsuspecting blood like me, he swept me off  my feet, with his charm and infectious smile. Though he is 95 years old, it feels like he's older than that. I feel like I've known him all my life. Technically, that's true. I've known him all my life. He's practically 4 times my age, yet I loved him. When I met him, I completely fell in love with his persona, achievements and the personal moments we shared.

I remember my Mum warning about loving men old enough to be my father, worse even, in Nelson's case, he was old enough to be my grandfather. But then, I did not care. He had the influence and affluence in South Africa, he had the money and I could drive the best of Mercedes I wanted. I could live in Cape Town with the rest of the family, and enjoy the paparazzi that came with being a part of Nelson Mandela 's life.

Now I look back at how he arrived at been this great, I do not regret our meeting. He completely changed the history of South Africa and forever, the world would remain grateful.  South Africa and Apartheid; saved from the monster racial segregation... No wonder my research papers always end up having a line or two about South Africa and apartheid. Thank God for Nelson.

 I'm sure you know I love you Nelson, but even more because of who you are: you are selfless. Staying in prison for almost half your life for the sake of others, running away from an arranged marriage to be with the one you love and making wise decisions to set South Africa on high pedestal as far as international politics is concerned. Yes, people may enthuse that you, the great Iroko tree has fallen but I am glad the Almighty created a being like you. For making a difference in the world, I celebrate your life and do not mourn your demise. Though it is all a dream that we had something special but I am glad I met you personally through the eyes of the world.

 One lesson learnt from the life of Nelson, he made a difference in the world (for even the supposedly super power USA president to decide to visit South Africa to pay respects), when you leave this earth what impact would you have made on the world? #FoodForThought

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



I sat by the pool, lost in thought as I stared without seeing at the sky. It was cold and I wondered for the umpteenth time what I was doing out in the cold. Was it really necessary for me to stay by the pool?  Actually my interest was beyond the busy blue water, it had more to do with my fantasy which in my mind's eye was indeed magnificent. Only if you could get a peep into my heart...LOl.

I chuckled.
I picked up the Francene Rivers' Redeeming Love I was reading and flipped to the page I stopped to continue reading.

"Hey" someone said.

I pushed my glasses off my nose, looked up and saw this ravishing beautiful girl. I swallowed quickly, and swiftly reminded myself that I must not stare.

 I smiled and muttered a "Hi".
"Do you Mind?", she asked gesturing to an empty seat by my side.
"Of course, please sit ", I offered.
"My name's Lisa Lee", she introduced herself.
Before I knew it, we spent 3hours in the cold talking about sweet nothing. She was a very likable person and I liked her already. Somehow I enjoyed our chat and though it was cold none of us showed any sign of being uncomfortable especially with the harsh weather blowing abundantly on our faces.

Lisa Lee turned and stared at me intensely. I looked up and our eyes locked. For a moment I did not want to believe that look was directed at me, adjusting myself mentally I decided to give both of us the benefit of doubt so I pretended like I did not notice anything.

"What's your burst Size?", Lisa Lee asked me.

Surprised, I looked at her abruptly. "Excuse me?"

She whispered the question again and it dawned on me where the discussion was headed.


Did she think our little comfortable chit chat happened because I was gay?

I thought about what could have triggered such, but could not find an answer.

On my bed that night, I reminisced about our discussion. I don't have to tell you what ensued between us but now it's pretty clear that there's some craziness in the air.
Now, my question is why would you look around you and decide you want marry or date someone of the same sex as you? Please what's the bait? Let's share experiences. I wait to hear your story.